Executive Functions refer to a set of cognitive processes that help us to make decisions, and to set and reach goals.

Executive Function Coaching helps people with self – regulation challenges in the following areas:

  • Planning
  • Prioritizing
  • Initiating
  • Maintaining focus
  • Emotional regulation
  • Flexible and strategic thinking
  • Response inhibition
  • Meta cognition or self-monitoring

People with weak executive skills have trouble getting started on tasks that feel boring, lengthy, and overwhelming, and tend to procrastinate. After they have begun, are easily distracted.

They may overreact emotionally to specific stimuli, for example when looking at a to do list – which trigger FFF behaviors – fight, flight or freeze. They may feel angry and resist doing what is expected (fight),

Procrastinate (flight) or become so overwhelmed that they are unable to function (freeze). actions. These self-defense mechanisms are the brain’s mechanisms for staying safe in the face of a perceived danger.

Executive Function ADHD Coaches help clients to respond to the demands of daily living rather than react, by teaching clients how to :

  1. Create realistic goals and plans to follow through.
  2. Manage routines and obligations effectively.
  3. Identify and manage distractions.
  4. Replace a fixed mindset with a growth mindset, and emotional reactions with proactive responses to any situation.
  5. Communicate assertively at home, school and at work.

Who may benefit from Executive Function ADHD Coaching?

  • Adults who would like to learn how to be more productive and fulfilled.
  • Parents, who would like to improve routine management, overcome negative emotions and change family communication patterns and defiant behavior.
  • Teens or college students who are experiencing academic underachievement